It’s time for another HOLOFIT Go update! Here’s what we’ve done – 

Grand Sablon Desert V2: 10km/6.2mi Added to Explore, with 32 Trophies in Total  

The Grand Sablon world is based on the longest foot race on Earth – a six-day, 251 km (156 mi) ultramarathon through the Sahara desert. With the addition of 10km, the Grand Sablon desert is now 17 km (over 10 miles) long making it the perfect environment for endurance workouts. 

We’ve also added new trophies to the world, 32 in total. How many can you collect? 




New Graphical Upgrades 

We’ve upgraded many graphical assets and also corrected lots of the visual glitches you helped identify! Here is just a small part of the upgrades: 

  • Antarctica for Bikes: The floor previously partially submerged has been re-done
  • Skiing in San Francisco & Cambridge: Your competitors will now also be skiers instead of cyclists or rowers
  • Eagle in San Francisco: The bug with the eagle trophy is now fixed 
  • Compression improvements: Big textures have been compressed to reduce the memory used, thus reducing the risk of crashes
  • Troglodyte & Babylon: A number of visual glitches have been fixed

Bug Fixes

As usual, a number of bugs have been corrected in this version. We have improved:

  • compatibility and connectivity of power bikes, 
  • speed estimate on simple rowing machines should now be more precise, and 
  • a number of backend improvements that will make your overall user experience smoother! 

What’s Next

Team Holodia will be very busy this summer working on some very important projects that will significantly improve your HOLOFIT experience. Here’s what’s coming – 

Companion app upgrades: A full overhaul and redesign of our companion app. New integrations with third-party apps – Strava, Apple Health, Google Health. New social features. 

UI redesign: Full redesign of the HOLOFIT VR app, and the user experience. New onboarding, new Profile page, new Home page.

Freestyle Combo workouts: Huge upgrade of HOLOFIT Freestyle. New movements to target different areas of the body that will pop up as short tasks as you travel through our worlds. Spend up to 400 calories in one single session with this super fun new Freestyle workout!

Interactive Trophies V2: New, interactive trophies that will push you to workout harder: complete certain gameplay to collect them. Fitness reinvented! 

Cyberpunk: We’re not sure who’s looking forward to Cyberpunk more – you or us! But either way, we will use the summer months to work on it and can’t wait to release it. 


That would be all for this update. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me. I am looking forward to hearing your feedback. 

New updates coming soon! 

As usual, we look forward to receiving your feedback on this update! Feel free to reach out to us! ?

P.S. If you haven’t yet reviewed HOLOFIT on the Oculus Quest store, please leave a review here. We would really appreciate it as it helps us spread the word about HOLOFIT!

Thank you, and stay HOLOFIT!